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A-link pad 10 review

I ordered this a-link pad 10 on 16.5 (from: ( It is a totally whimsical decision because there are no reviews about it in the internet. I picked up my tablet from a-link "store" in Tuomarila on 18.5. After I picked up, I went to VTT and charged it there while I was working. After that I got it home and have been testing.

Test results (cons) in no specific order:
1. As of now, the touch doesn't work. Luckily I enabled under developer settings an option to show the visual feedback on touch. Because of that I know the reason why the tablet doesn't respond to touch. Apparently, there is a huge error the tablet makes as to where I touch. So, when I want to touch an OK button which is in the middle of the screen and put I finger right on the button, the tablet interprets my finger to be somewhere on the bottom left corner! For this reason, I am not able to use the tablet for the last 30 minutes. Since I am able to see from the touch feedback where my the tablet feels my touch, I will try to shut it down and continue my tests.

2. The built in speakers are too low. So, I can't hear anything unless I am in a queit room. So, whenever I am talking about audio output, I always mean with my headphones!

3. I installed smartvoip, a voip application. I could hear the other party clearly, but the other party could hardly hear me. BUT also... I hear too loud a volume (even though it was clear), and I could not reduce the volume. When I operate the volume button it indicates that the volume is going down or up, but it doesn't actually change the volume. The only change is the indicator! Also, I noticed that, without the headphones, the other party can't hear anything at all... it is as if I don't have a microphone. And with headphones, they hear me very very feeble.

4. Some time the tablet doesn't respond at all to the power button. All it can show is passiveness and indifference to what I did ;)

5. Battery drains ridiculously fast. I configured wifi to be turned off when screen goes off. Within the last 30 min (or less) the tablet has been sleeping at least half the time and the battery has come down from 100% to 82%. The drop from 100% to 90% happened just in front of my eyes within 3-4 minutes! Unbelievable. After this, the battery has been on sleep (so, neither screen nor wifi were using any power) for 10 hours. When I try to wake up the tablet after these 10 hours, it can't start because the whole battery drained out. God knows what was the battery used for! Before it went to sleep, I checked that 76% battery was remaining.
One more time I charged the battery to 100%. And this time, as soon as I unplugged the charger, in just 1-2 seconds, the indicator showed that 93% of battery was remaining. I also noted the time for reference. It was 11:35pm. Next day morning, I woke up and checked the battery status at 8:20am. A pop-up showed up saying 12% battery was left. And in the immediate second following, another pop-up showed up saying 4% battery was left. Then I left it for sleep again, and at 8:40am, it indicated with a vibration that the battery is out!

6. I tried video chatting and audio chatting on skype. The other person doesn't hear my voice in either case. And my video-as the other person views it-is of very poor quality. The reciepient sees a pink mess and my face behind it.

7. Sometimes, the screen goes blank and I can't open anything.

1. The keyboard felt quite comfortable. Also the on screen touch keyboard was quite comfortable - with right spacing between the keys. I don't know if it is the way android 4.0.3 is, or it is because of the extra length of the screen.
2. They took my tablet back without any hassle or trouble, and refunded me! (I took it on Friday evening and returned it on Monday morning)

Conclusion: CRAP. Don't buy


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