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Showing posts from May, 2012

A-link pad 10 review

I ordered this a-link pad 10 on 16.5 (from: ( . It is a totally whimsical decision because there are no reviews about it in the internet. I picked up my tablet from a-link "store" in Tuomarila on 18.5. After I picked up, I went to VTT and charged it there while I was working. After that I got it home and have been testing. Test results (cons) in no specific order: 1. As of now, the touch doesn't work. Luckily I enabled under developer settings an option to show the visual feedback on touch. Because of that I know the reason why the tablet doesn't respond to touch. Apparently, there is a huge error the tablet makes as to where I touch. So, when I want to touch an OK button which is in the middle of the screen and put I finger right on the button, the tablet interprets my finger to be somewhere on the bottom left corner! For this reason, I am not able to use the tablet for the last 30 minutes. Since I am able to se...