Mahatma Gandhi said, "you be the change you want to see in the world". Because virtues are universal, you might have heard the same words, possibly said in different ways, from different people. I wouldn't like to preach anyone, but several situations in the recent past compelled me to write this text now. However, I am not preaching anything. I am just trying to contemplate on Gandhiji's valuable words... for the benefit of myself and also for others. I however think that many many of these "others" will benefit from mulling over these words. However, when I say contemplate, I also mean putting action into it. By putting action to substantiate the contemplation, we all will primarily benefit ourselves because we will enjoy the resulting improved quality of life. And we will benefit our friends and families by putting less "expectation" or "load". Change is always "uncomfortable". It doesn't come for free! The primary step i...