For the last couple of days, my home computer with SolydXK was overheating. The situation was so bad that, by the time I can gain control of the machine, it gets so overheated that it shuts down automatically as the critical temperatures have reached. I initially suspected acpi_call (just a hunch, because I have set up the OS on this machine quite recently and haven't tweaked the system much yet, except turning off the discrete graphics card using acpi_call ). But removing the corresponding kernel module didn't do the trick. I booted into recovery mode, edited the /etc/rc.local to prevent loading the acpi_call kernel module and turning off the discrete graphics card. Although this sounds counter intuitive, because usually turning on the discrete graphics card causes the overheating, I saw some errors related to acpi_call during boot time too, which is why I targeted that first. But a reboot after exiting the recovery mode, now without acpi_call loaded, didn't prevent th...